Sunday 31 January 2010

Day Three (27/01/2010)

Pasta again. Mashed potato. Parsnips. I barely touch any of it.
The pasta seems to be covered in bits of spinach, and tastes awful, but ofcourse being vegetarian I have no choice. Cucumber and black olives make up my side salad as my trust for the lettuce is diminishing. Rhubarb crumble with custard makes up my dessert but is very disappointing. The custard is watery and tasteless, and does nothing to compete with the sourness of the rhubarb. Ryvita, again, is the highlight of this meal.

This is why I am sometimes glad I don't touch the meat here. This meatball (which by the way is leftovers from yesterday's meat option) is clearly undercooked. I don't understand how, after being cooked twice, this is still pink inside.
Dinner time. "Mystery vegetable mush" is what my friends and I name this odd-looking meal. The sweetcorn is overcooked and unsatisfying, but the potato slices are acceptable when with copious amounts of mayonnaise. 'Thick' vegetable soup is supposedly in the bowl, and isn't half bad after generous amounts of salt are added to give some sort of taste, and is almost enjoyable. Again, watermelon for dessert.
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